Lilly Biggs

About Me

Lilly Biggs is a senior currently enrolled at Wesclin High School. She is a member of the Wesclin Band, Volleyball, Track and Field, and FFA programs. Along with extracurriculars, she also works as a lifeguard both in Trenton and in Highland. She loves interacting with younger children and teaches Pre-K/Kindergarten Faith Formation, as well as swim lessons throughout the year.

Lilly was raised in the countryside of Trenton, IL. She loves her family and how much support her parents have given her throughout every idea and project she has ever started. She started raising chickens during Covid-19, and now has a small homestead with her family growing their own food and farm fresh eggs. She built her chicken coop at 13 years old and loves working outdoors. She likes to think that there can never be enough Vitamin D, and sunshine will always make a difference in her mood.

Along with loving the outdoors, she loves creating stories. She has plans to publish her YA-Fantasy book before she graduates college. She also has plans to continue it as a series and hopefully become an author. She believes that the best picture that anyone can take can be made one-hundred times more beautiful if you write about it with a pen and paper.

As of right now, Lilly wants to go to Kaskaskia College and get her General Education Studies finished and hopefully be able to decide on a career path during that time. She is excited to create her own business through the CEO program, and she knows that the experiences and life lessons that she will learn as a CEO student will be worthwhile.






DISC Characteristics

  • Forceful
  • Enthusiastic
  • Steady
  • Orderly